Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Well, it's been a while.

Scripture: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and you a heart of flesh." - Ezekiel 36:26

Quote: "Train your mind to see the good in everything"

Song: 93 Million Miles- Jason Mraz

     I've sat and pondered how to start my blog again for the last few weeks. As I expected, chaos has become the normal around our household: school, moving, girls readjusting, finding a new job, new love, and so forth. Sitting in this busy, noisy, and vibrant coffee shop, I've realized my life is veering in a direction I both fully desired and never expected; moving forward without any documentation. Consequently, I feel the need to Shout it from the rooftops and continue on with my 365 day journey. 

    In a few short weeks, I will begin student teaching. Although I am both nervous and excited, I find myself thinking about how fortunate I have been in order to accomplish this lifelong goal. I have had the support system any person desires; understanding, reliable, encouraging, and entirely confident in my ability to succeed. In order to make it to classes on time and complete homework, my girls have had to ride the back burner for all too long. Not only are they having to sacrifice much needed "mommy" time, but my family and friends have been neglected as well. Fortunately, their level of understanding allows me to push though the struggles and moments of weakness. I've had to beg, borrow, and plead with many friends and family to watch the girls while I attend school, functions, work, and workshops. Not only have they helped me in many a bind, they've provided the girls with love and affection beyond words. Additionally, I've been able to remain on the Dean's List and am on track to graduate with Honors. For this, I am forever grateful and indebted to those who've stood beside me along the way. 

   Along with school, my life has changed in so many different ways, on so many different levels--the girls and I have found a new place to call home in the heights, I am branching out on my business, and I've fallen in love. I have both hoped and prayed (more prayers than imaginable) for a new start; a redo for the girls and I. We are enjoying making this new place our home and spending much needed time with family and friends here in Billings. I am also very excited to be making changes to my photography business as of January 1st, 2015, checking another box off of my "to-do" list. Surprisingly, the biggest change has come in the last few months. I remember it all starting something like this.....

      Chae:  "Amber, what exactly is it you are looking for in someone? I mean, what kind of man do you want?
      Me: "Honestly? I want a good man. A man with dreams, and goals, and makes me laugh. One with strong hands that show how hard he works. Someone who makes me laugh and hopefully (fingers crossed) thinks I'm funny. Someone who isn't perfect, but is perfect for me. Preferably wears boots and enjoys what he does (I suppose I can't have everything I want)." 

    Within the next 2 hours, this man I described to Chae (Minus the boots (cowboy boots anyways, work boots don't count)), stumbles into my life. Not only was this the Right place, Right time situation, but it was also a time in my life where I was content: content with my decisions, my fails, my successes, my girls, my job, my education. I was happy with who I was and where I was going. No longer was I looking for someone anymore, I was looking forward to the path my girls and I were on. However, the moment I met this man, life has changed. I see a man before me who not only works hard and enjoys what he does, but who has dreams, and goals, and an incredible sense of humor. Someone who supports my goals and dreams as well as the dreams I have for my girls. Needless to say, he's become an incredible bonus to the already perfect life I had. 

    I decided to share this story and blog today because, all too often, people ask how we are doing, what's new, and how is life treating us. Well, to say the least, life is good. We have a new start to a beautiful beginning and the girls and I are ready to embrace whatever comes our way. I look forward to sharing our adventures and blogging along the way. 

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