Monday, January 6, 2014

Day Six:

    She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future
                                                                                          ~ Proverbs 31

         The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~E.E. Comings

        New Soul by Yael Naim       ( )

Well, today is for sure a Monday for me! Enjoy this little journey of my morning!!!!

Laughter is my cure for everything. Whether I am sad, angry, frustrated, it doesn't matter. I can always enjoy a good laugh. I remember the times I was struggling the most and having my closest friends cheering me up. I watched so many comedies the past year. I have watched more Mitch Hedburg (I used to drugs, I mean, I still do but I used to too!) than most people combined. I've referenced almost every awesome line from "What's a Christmas gram? I want one!" to "You boys like Mexico?!" I'm sure I've drove every one of my friends crazy with my pinterest obsession as well. However, I still believe that laughing pulled me through the worst of times. I once had a professor tell me that if I wasn't laughing I wasn't living and boy did he know me too well.

  This morning has been one of those trial days. First of all, I woke up around 3 am... realizing I fell asleep in the middle of a conversation (haha). Next, Maddie ended up in my bed, feet on my face, in my ribs, on my back, and I was on the edge of the bed barely hanging on. My alarm clock went off 2 hours early (SUPER) so I reset it and OF COURSE it doesn't go off! Wake up 15 minutes AFTER Ally's bell rang. Today being the day of her field trip and the bus leaving at 8:30. A very loud and abrupt SH#T  flew out of my mouth and me out of bed!!!! The next 2 minutes were filled with scrambling around, throwing clothes on, packing a lunch, packing warm clothes for Ally's field trip. YES! We made it on time. One problem, baby isn't wearing pants! Coat, boots, hat, gloves, yup... no flippin pants. Off we go to get her some pants and get myself ready for the hectic day I have ahead of me. Breakfast, Check. Baby dressed, check. Now time for me to shower. Shampoo was a success and apparently so was the body wash for conditioner. Great, let's just rewash my hair cause I have so much extra time. UUUGGGGHHHH! Alright, shower out of the way. Let's just top it all off with a bad hair day. (At this point I'm thinking "What the hell, why not") I finally get Maddie dropped off (couple hours late) and head into town. Obviously needing coffee, I pull up to the coffee shop and throw my keys and phone in my bag, hit the lock button and walk around the car to get my bag. Another abrupt Sh#t flew out of my mouth. Why wouldn't I lock my bag (with my phone and keys) in the car. At this point I'm laughing so hard tears are running down my face. After walking to a local shop to use their phone and phone book, I have a tow truck guy using his jimmy to get in my car. (haha, that sounds kind of dirty, but anyways). This guy is laughing at me and my day as I'm trying to keep the tears from falling because I can't control anything today. Thank you Mr. Car unlocker Guy. You made my day.

  Today can go one of two ways. A. I can say "screw this" and go back to bed or I can own it and laugh about it. As you can see, I am going to own this and share this. What an incredible gift from God, the ability to laugh. I am so thankful all the different days I have, I learn to love life no matter what obstacles are thrown in my way. So I say to you, when you are having one of those days (like mine) sit down and laugh about it. Ya you may have had everything go wrong all at once, but maye that means you will soon have everything go right all at once! Here's to hoping all of you have a better Monday than me! Until tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. O goodness girl!! You should have hung out with Michael today! He yelled at me when I got up because he said it was to early...then when he finally got up (and hour or so later) he promptly walked out of the room and stated that today was dumb and crap like this getting early stuff was stupid....all that to say his lunch was already made and coffee made to, because I had some extra time! :) he walked out the door laughing as well at all that he had said and a few silly things he had done! I will tell him he was not alone today :)
